

Friends and colleagues have been asking me to share my perspective on the Apple Vision Pro as a product.

This started as blog post and became an essay before too long, so I’ve structured my writing in multiple sections each with a clear lead to make it a bit easier to digest — peppered with my own ‘takes’. I’ve tried to stick to original thoughts for the most part and link to what others have said where applicable.

Some of the topics I touch on:

  • Why I believe Vision Pro may be an over-engineered “devkit”
  • The genius & audacity behind some of Apple’s hardware decisions
  • Gaze & pinch is an incredible UI superpower and major industry ah-ha moment
  • Why the Vision Pro software/content story is so dull and unimaginative
  • Why most people won’t use Vision Pro for watching TV/movies
  • Apple’s bet in immersive video is a total game-changer for Live Sports
  • Why I returned my Vision Pro… and my Top 10 wishlist to reconsider
  • Apple’s VR debut is the best thing that ever happened to Oculus/Meta
  • My unsolicited product advice to Meta for Quest Pro 2 and beyond

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