
My website stats script seems to be running as expected.

Some highlights from last month:

  • With 33 notes posted in the microblog, I'm about 80% of the way to the number of total notes posted last year. These monthly summary posts, as well as my Crate Finds and Weekly Summary posts have somewhat contributed to this number but I like the pace I'm setting. Not even halfway through the year and it looks promising.
  • While most of my responses are reshares (93), there's still a broader distribution across bookmarks and other type of reponses posts.
  • AI continue to be the main topic I share posts around.
  • The Verge is still one of the main sources I reshare. Personally, the redesign has contributed to the way I consume content from The Verge but also, the topics covered align with many of the things I'm interested in.

I have yet to make progress on the long-form posts, but there are some experiments I've been tinkering with that will eventually make it on there.

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