
Still not mid-year and I'm making progress on publishing to the website. Some notable observations this month:

  • At 43 notes, I'm already past the total number of notes posted in 2023. Weekly summary posts like Create Finds and Weekly Summary continue to contribute towards this number.
  • Despite a slow last week of April with no posts, I was still able to manage adding nearly 40 new posts. At 184, I'm closing in and expect to surpass last year's response posts within the next two months.
  • I'm still working through how to go about publishing longer-form content to the blog. I'm still only at 3 posts. Given that I posted 8 last year, it's not an elusive target. Still, I haven't figured out what some good topics / experiments I'm doing today would be interesting to expand upon in the blog. I'm in no rush though. I'm enjoying the shorter form posts both notes and responses.

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