Authorization Code Authentication Flow in Python
For the longest time, authentication had been my worst enemy. I took small steps towards becoming comfortable with it. At first I learned Implicit Authorization with AngularJS, then I learned Client Credentials Authorization with Python and C# and finally, I learned Authorization Code authentication with C#. The one that always gave me trouble was Authorization Code authentication because it requires user credentials.
To help with that, I started with the WebAuthenticationBroker
in C#. Although, most of it was done for me in terms of creating a WebView
for users to authenticate with their credentials, I wanted to know whether I could do it myself without having to rely on a service to do it for me.
First, I had to find an API to test this out with and in an attempt to reduce complexity, I decided to prototype it in Python. As an avid user of Pocket, I chose its API to learn Authorization Flow authentication.
Getting Started
Register An Application
In order to get started, we need to register an application with Pocket. This can be done by visiting the following website.
Install Requests
In order to create HTTP requests, we need to install the requests
pip install requests
Get Request Token
Import Modules
import requests
import json
Prepare Request
consumer_key = "YOUR_CONSUMER_KEY"
request_url = ""
headers = {"Content-Type":"application/json","X-Accept":"application/json"}
redirect_uri = ""
payload = {"consumer_key":consumer_key,"redirect_uri":redirect_uri}
Notice how the redirect_uri
is set to
. This, for the most part is irrelevant, especially for console/desktop applications. Since this is a console application and we are not hosting a server for it, the value assigned to this field is arbitrary.
Make Request
request =,headers=headers,data=json.dumps(payload))
code = request.json()['code']
Redirect User to Pocket to Continue Authorization
Import Modules
import webbrowser''+ code + '&redirect_uri=' + redirect_uri)
This will open your default browser and redirect you to an authorization page. After logging in, should you accept giving the application access to your account, it should redirect you to
. Once on the Google page, you can close out of it.
Convert A Request Token Into A Pocket Access Token
After authorizing the application to access your account, you need to exchange the code you received for an access token.
Prepare the Request
access_token_url = ""
payload = {"consumer_key":consumer_key,"code":code}
Get Access Token
access_token_request =,headers=headers,data=json.dumps(payload))
access_token = access_token_request.json()['access_token']
Make Authenticated Request
In order to test whether the authentication was successful, try making an authenticated request.
Prepare Request
get_url = ""
get_payload = {"consumer_key":consumer_key,"access_token":access_token,"contentType":"article","count":10}
get_request = requests.get(get_url,data=json.dumps(get_payload),headers=headers)
Get Response
response = get_request.json()
Sample Response
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'error': None,
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Hope this helps!