Down the Slow / Quiet Web Rabbit Hole

No real commentary on this post other than a web surf down the slow / quite web.

flowchart TD
  A["My 20th anniversary of blogging!"] --> B["The Quiet Web"]
  B --> C["Asyncronous Conversations"]
  C --> D["The Slow Web"]
  D --> E["The Slow Web Movement - I DONE THIS"]
  E --> F["The Slow Web (plus: the modern experience of film-watching)"]
  F --> G["Minimal Gallery"]
  G --> H["My website is a shifting house next to a river of knowledge. What could yours be?"]
  H --> I["Quiet web"]
  I --> J["Jeremy Sarber"]
  J --> K["datagubbe"]
  K --> L["Writers and talkers and leaders, oh my!"]
  L --> M["Is Blogging Dead?"]
  click A href "" "My 20th anniversary of blogging!"
  click B href "" "The Quiet Web"
  click C href "" "Asyncronous Conversations"
  click D href "" "The Slow Web"
  click E href "" "The Slow Web Movement - I DONE THIS"
  click F href "" "The Slow Web (plus: the modern experience of film-watching)"
  click G href "" "Minimal Gallery"
  click H href "" "My website is a shifting house next to a river of knowledge. What could yours be?"
  click I href "" "Quiet web"
  click J href "" "Jeremy Sarber"
  click K href "" "datagubbe"
  click L href "" "Writers and talkers and leaders, oh my!"
  click M href "" "Is Blogging Dead?"

Send me a message or webmention