
Finished July with more regular posting.

Only 4 posts away from passing last year's response count.

As mentioned on another post, I've been slowly working on transitioning authoring workflows to Emacs using org-capture templates.

This month, I want to work on making capturing content from Nyxt more seamless, especially since responses are the types of posts I use most.

The other thing I'd like to start doing is consolidating the structure of my posts. Right now the YAML front-matter for the various posts types is significantly different. However, it doesn't have to be.

For most posts, I need:

  • Title
  • Date published
  • Data updated
  • Tags

Responses are a little different because I also need to include the link to the original content I'm referencing in the post.

Once that's done, at some point, I'd also like to consolidate my URLs.

  • /posts captures long-form blog posts
  • /feed captures microblog posts and responses

Since everything is a post, consolidating under one of them for all my posts and providing additional urls like /notes, /photos, /articles for the individual types of posts might make more sense.

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