I still need to set up an org-capture template for snippets, so writing a note to myself to remember these commands I'll eventually want to come back to.
Capture elfeed link
In this custom function, elfeed-show-yank
extracts the link element in an elfeed entry. org-capture
then just invokes the org-capture template selection prompt. At this point, I can move forward with creating a response entry on the website and since the link to the entry I was viewing in elfeed is in the kill-ring, I can easily paste the URL while filling out the org-capture template.
(defun capture-elfeed-entry ()
Org capture contexts
I recently found out, I can add filters to org-capture templates based on the mode I'm in Emacs. Here's an example:
(setq org-capture-templates-contexts
'(("wrn" ((in-mode . "elfeed-show-mode")))))
defines a set of conditions that defines which contexts certain org-capture templates appear under.
For example, the org-capture template mapped to wrn
will only be visible when org-capture is invoked from a buffer in elfeed-show-mode
More information can be found in the org-capture templates in context documentation