A list of posts tagged programming
- Setting up your Rust development environment using Dev Containers
- POSSE to Mastodon using RSS and Azure Logic Apps
- Use .NET Interactive to run .NET code in Jupyter Notebooks on an Azure Machine Learning compute instance
- Serverless Racket Applications Using Azure Functions Custom Handlers
- The Case for Doing Machine Learning with F#
- Operationalizing Machine Learning with ML.NET, Azure DevOps and Azure Container Instances
- Hacker News Vue Top Stories Client
- Classification with F# ML.NET Models
- Organizing F# Modules Into Separate Files
- Deploy .NET Machine Learning Models with ML.NET, ASP.NET Core, Docker and Azure Container Instances
- E2E Dockerizing a MEAN Stack Application
- Type Driven Development - Scaling Safely with Python
- Testing and Deploying Python Projects with Travis CI
- Authorization Code Authentication Flow in Python
- Read A Text File From a URL in .NET Core
- The Case for .NET in the Classroom
- Reading Local JSON Files in R
- .NET Conf 2024 - Session Recordings
- NotebookLlama: An Open Source version of NotebookLM
- Home-Cooked Software and Barefoot Developers
- Deep Dive into Ownership in Mojo
- LLM training in simple, raw C/CUDA
- The missing graph datatype already exists. It was invented in the '70s
- Getting Started With CUDA for Python Programmers
- Marimo
- Python 3.13 gets a JIT
- TIOBE Index for January 2024
- fsharpConf 2023