
I finally decided to dust off my Discord. So far, I've joined several communities like:

  • HuggingFace
  • LangChain
  • LlamaIndex
  • Racket
  • Virtual ML.NET
  • Shudder
  • ClubTwit
  • ...and many others

I've noticed that server / community discovery needs improvement, so I'm asking for your recommendations!

General topics I'm interested in:

  • AI
  • Machine Learning
  • Open Source
  • Software Development
  • .NET
  • F#
  • Open Web
  • IndieWeb
  • Fediverse
  • Lisp
  • Tech
  • Personal Finance
  • Podcasts
  • Books
  • Travel
  • Retro Tech
  • Retro Gaming

E-mail me your recommendations at contact@lqdev.me or send me a Webmention!

Thanks in advance.

Send me a message or webmention
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